Getting Help With ADHD
Getting Help With ADHD
When you feel that the side effects of a treatment are troublesome talk to your doctor. He or she may recommend that the dosage of the medications be increased or lowered. Some medications affect some children different. There are several different types of medications that can be used to treat ADHD though. So if one medication is not working well or the side effects are troublesome, your doctor should be contacted as there are other solutions.Parents of children that are newly diagnosed with ADHD should pay close attention to the medications that the child takes. Sometimes it can take several days for the medication to enter the blood stream enough to see a difference. Sometimes not enough medication is prescribed. In addition, parents should keep track of any drastic changes or anything that is bothersome or worrisome in their child. With this information they can work closely with their child’s doctors to find the most effective dose of medication. Include your child’s teachers in this process as well.
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